Bill Payment Options


All payments made within 48 hours of the last payment date and time on your termination notice must be made at the CSB office (208 26th Street W Charleston, 25387)

The CSB has the following authorized payment methods:



*Please double check your payment delivery date prior to submitting your payment. This is the date CSB will receive your payment.

    • Pay with your bank account (E-Check/ACH has no convenience fee).
    • Pay with credit or with a debit card $3.99 or 3.5% whichever is higher.

-OR -

(City of Charleston Municipal Fee Website):

 Pay Municipal Fees: Sewer, Fire and Refuse

    • There is a $4.95 Credit Card or $4.95 E-Check/ACH Convenience Fee Applied to your total.


Contact your Financial Institution regarding online bill payment.


Call 877-358-6792 to use this payment option. You must pay your bill in full and there is a $4.95 convenience fee. 


Mail your payment and stub using the enclosed envelope received with your CSB bill.

Automatic Bill Pay

Your payment can be deducted from your bank account through an automatic electronic fund transfer (EFT).

Please download the application from: CSB Automatic Bill Payment Application and follow the instructions on the form and return the required items to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or CSB Office

The required items are: The completed application and a VOIDED Check or Signed Letter from Financial Institution


Visit the CSB Office at:

208 26th Street W
Charleston, WV 25387

Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

In the evenings, holidays, and weekends, there is a drop box located by our main entrance door for your convenience.

We currently accept cash, check, money order and Visa credit & debit, Mastercard credit & debit and Discover credit card transactions 

The CSB utilizes the services of Elavon, a third party provider to process Visa credit & debit, Mastercard credit & debit and Discover credit card transactions. In accordance with card organization rules specific to utility payments, a 2.3% fee will be applied and shown on your banking statement as "Elavon-service fee".


Visit the City of Charleston, Collectors Office at:

915 Quarrier Street, Suite 4
Charleston, WV 25301
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.

The office is located at the corner of Dickinson and Quarrier Streets in the bottom floor of the Municipal Parking Building.